»Recombinant Media Lab CineChamber«

It is a co-production by ECAS / ICAS (European and International Cities of Advanced Sound), CTM Festival / Berlin, The Generator Foundation (Den Haag), Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V./ CYNETART (Dresden), ORF / Musikprotokoll (Graz), and Cimatics (Brussels). With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union. The CineChamber at CTM.11 was additionally funded by the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.
In cooperation with the ECAS (European Cities of Advanced Sound) network, Signal, Monolake and Tarik Barri (Monolake Live), Deadbeat and Lillevan and Edwin van der Heide were commissioned to develop new works especially for the RML CineChamber in its Berlin incarnation. The new compositions were developed as first versions in progress during the course of January as the system was set up for several weeks before moving into the HAU theatre.
CTM '1102.02. - 06.02.2011
Date | 06.02.2011 |
Action | Live performances |
Participants | Jeffers Egan & MimiCof, Egbert Mittelstädt, Aymeric Hainaux, Tikiman with Scion Live |
Location | |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CTM '11 print program (pg. 40) | |
Online References | http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/06.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/cinechamber.html |
Date | 02.02.2011 |
Action | Presentation of »Plaything« |
Participants | Maryanne Amacher |
Location | |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CTM '11 print program (pg. 40) | |
Online References | http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/02.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/cinechamber.html |
Date | 02.02.2011 |
Action | Introduction and discussion of history, concept, and operation of CineChamber at CineChamber Live Night |
Participants | Naut Humon & Edwin van der Hyde |
Location | |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CTM '11 print program (pg. 40) | |
Online References | http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/03.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/cinechamber.html |
Date | 03. - 05.02.2011 |
Action | CineChamber Modules I-IV (Installation) |
Participants | Various Artists () |
Location | |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CTM '11 print program (pg. 40) | |
Online References | http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/02.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/04.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/night-program/night-schedule/05.html http://archive.ctm-festival.de/archive/ctm11/cinechamber.html |
musikprotokoll '1106.10. - 09.10.2011
Date | 06.10.2011 |
Action | CineChamber Modules and Live-concerts on the opening evening of musikprotokoll |
Participants | Artists: Naut Humon, pita, jade, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Biosphere, Egbert Mittelstädt, Werner Dafeldecker, Lawrence English, Peter Tscherkassky, Fennesz, Lillevan, subshrubs, Edwin van der Heide, Scott Arford, Maryanne Amacher // Technical Team RML: Naut Humon (artistic director) Vance Galloway (technical director), Barry Threw (programmer, concept, video system), Anke Eckhardt (system technician), Achim Kern (programmer, video system technician), Masako Tanaka (consulting/video), Thanks to Edwin van der Heide |
Location | Dom im Berg |
Sponsoring Partners | musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst in cooperation with DISK / CTM Festival and TMA / CYNETART // RML is cooperating with: UNIVERSITY OF CALFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, CENTER for RESEARCH in COMPUTING and the ARTS (CRCA), CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE for TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (CalIT2) Faculty of Music - Faculty of Visual Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art: San Diego. Peter Otto, Music Technology Director, Music Department at UCSD, Director of Sonic Arts R and D, Calit2, Resident Researcher at Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)/UCSD, RML UCSD Installation Supervisor. Todd Margolis, - Technical Director, CRCA. Shahrokh Yadegari, Theater Sound Design Artist, UCSD CRCA Director. Ramesh Rao, Professor, Director CalIT2 UCSD. Larry Smarr, Professor, CalIT2 Director. Sheldon Brown, New Media Artist, UCSD. Thanks to: Derivative, Touch Designerdevelopers. |
Musikprotokoll '11 print schedule | |
Online References | http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/sites/new.musikprotokoll.mur.at/files/materialien/2011_Programmheft_screen.pdf http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/en/ecas-musikprotokoll Video musikprotokoll '11 |
Description | CineChamber invites you to a new dimension of audiovision. It is both an instrument and a presentation platform; a surround technology specially developed by Recombinant Media Labs for audio and video that immerses us in new worlds of sound and images all specially created for CineChamber. Together with the four partner festivals of the ECAS network project “Networking Tomorrow’s Art for an Unknown Future”, a whole array of new pieces has been created – some by Austrian musicians and video artists. The event kicks off with the tightly packed, approximately three-hour opening evening with numerous world and Austrian premières; the following afternoons will feature material from the already abundant archive. Naut Humon: Xynaxus – from the Xenakis Pers.RemixProj., 2 min; pita and jade: untitled (noctiluca), 12 min live; Ryoichi Kurokawa: Orbit, 4 min; Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt: Genkai, 7 min; Werner Dafeldecker and Lawrence English: the cold monolith, 15 min, live; Peter Tscherkassky / Naut Humon: Man with a Movie Theatre, 10 min; Fennesz and Lillevan: Saffron Revolution, 12 min; subshrubs: A Journey into the Mind of P.P., 15 min live; Edwin van der Heide: DSLE-1, 20 min live; Scott Arford: Static Room, 3 min; Ryoichi Kurokawa: Parallel Head, 12 min; Maryanne Amacher: Plaything, 50 min |
Video |
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Date | 07.10. - 09.10.2011 |
Action | CineChamber Screening Module (Installation over 4 days) |
Participants | Naut Humon, Edwin von der Heide, Biosphere, Egbert Mittelstädt, subshrubs, Werner Dafeldecker, Lawrence English, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Semiconductor, Oval/Markus Popp, Masako Tanaka, Fennesz, Lillevan, Signal, Fundamental Forces, Herman Kolgen, Jochen Paap, Scott Pagano, Scott Arford, pita, jade, Daniel Menche // Technical Team RML: Naut Humon (artistic director) Vance Galloway (technical director), Barry Threw (programmer, concept, video system), Anke Eckhardt (system technician), Achim Kern (programmer, video system technician), Masako Tanaka (consulting/video), Thanks to Edwin van der Heide |
Location | Dom im Berg |
Sponsoring Partners | musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst in cooperation with DISK / CTM Festival and TMA / CYNETART // RML is cooperating with: UNIVERSITY OF CALFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, CENTER for RESEARCH in COMPUTING and the ARTS (CRCA), CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE for TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (CalIT2) Faculty of Music - Faculty of Visual Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art: San Diego. Peter Otto, Music Technology Director, Music Department at UCSD, Director of Sonic Arts R and D, Calit2, Resident Researcher at Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)/UCSD, RML UCSD Installation Supervisor. Todd Margolis, - Technical Director, CRCA. Shahrokh Yadegari, Theater Sound Design Artist, UCSD CRCA Director. Ramesh Rao, Professor, Director CalIT2 UCSD. Larry Smarr, Professor, CalIT2 Director. Sheldon Brown, New Media Artist, UCSD. Thanks to: Derivative, Touch Designerdevelopers. |
Musikprotokoll '11 print schedule | |
Online References | http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/sites/new.musikprotokoll.mur.at/files/materialien/2011_Programmheft_screen.pdf http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/de/2011/werk/cinechamber-module http://musikprotokoll.orf.at/en/ecas-musikprotokoll Video musikprotokoll '11 |
Description | Naut Humon: Xynaxus – from the Xenakis Pers.RemixProj., 6 min; Edwin van der Heide: DSLE, 9min; Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt: Elsewhere Anywhere – People are friends, 4 min; Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt: Path Leading to the High Grass, 4 min; subshrubs: A Journey into the Mind of P.P., 15 min; Werner Dafeldecker and Lawrence English: the cold monolith, 6 min; Ryoichi Kurokawa: Orbit, 4 min; Egbert Mittelstädt: Elsewhere II, 6 min; Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt: Birds Fly, 6 min; Ryoichi Kurokawa: cm: av_c, surround cinema version, 13 min; Semiconductor: Brilliant Noise, 10 min; Oval/Markus Popp and Masako Tanaka: Halveplane ver 4.0 & Flam ver 4.1, 6 min; Fennesz and Lillevan: Saffron Revolution Forever, 12 min; Signal: signal. combi vision, 29 min; Fundamental Forces (R.Henke/T. Barri): Version FF 00, 22 min; Herman Kolgen: Altered Splice, 9 min; Biosphere and Egbert Mittelstädt: Genkai, 7 min; Egbert Mittelstädt: Kutuzovskiy prospekt, 12 min; Jochen Paap and Scott Pagano: Umfeld, 5 min; Scott Arford: Static Room, 3 min; Ryoichi Kurokawa: Parallel Head, 12 min; pita and jade: untitled (noctiluca), 10 min; Daniel Menche: Paroxysm, 10 min |
CYNETART '1125.11. - 26.11.2011
Date | 25.11. & 26.11.2011 |
Action | Live Performances |
Participants | »FluxTank« with Andrey Kiritchenko, v4w.enko (Eugen Vashchenko) & »Status« with Ulf Langheinrich & DS-X.org |
Location | Great Hall in the Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CynetArt '11 print catalogue | |
Online References | http://t-m-a.de/cynetart/archive/f2011/cinechamber |
Date | 25.11. & 26.11.2011 |
Action | CineChamber Module Block I - III (Installation) |
Participants | ![]() |
Location | Great Hall in the Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, Germany |
Sponsoring Partners | |
CynetArt '11 print catalogue | |
Online References | http://t-m-a.de/cynetart/archive/f2011/cinechamber |